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Beeville ISD Earns Superior Financial Rating with Strong Financial Stewardship

Posted Date: 11/05/24 (5:19 PM)

Beeville ISD Earns Superior Financial Rating with Strong Financial Stewardship

BEEVILLE, Texas — Beeville Independent School District officials announced that the district earned an “A” rating for “Superior Achievement” under Texas’ School FIRST financial accountability rating system, achieving a strong score of 96 out of 100. This high rating reflects the quality of Beeville ISD’s financial management and reporting.

School FIRST (Financial Accountability Rating System of Texas) is in its 21st year as a financial accountability system for Texas school districts. Developed by the Texas Education Agency in response to Senate Bill 875 from the 76th Texas Legislature in 1999 and later updated through House Bill 5, 83rd Texas Legislature, the system’s main objective is to encourage quality management of school districts’ financial resources.

“We are honored to be entrusted with our community’s most valued assets—its students and its resources,” said Beeville ISD Superintendent Travis Fanning. “Our team is committed to making the most of the limited funds we receive, ensuring they are used meaningfully and with transparency.”

Beeville ISD’s financial practices are guided by Cornerstone 4: “Effective and Efficient Operations and Strong Financial Stewardship,” ensuring that district resources are managed responsibly and strategically. This commitment includes Coherent Budget Development, Adoption, and Management Processes; Operational Effectiveness and Efficiency; Communications of Critical Success Factors of Financial Stewardship; District-wide Safety and Security Planning; and Comprehensive Facility Management Planning. By adhering to these principles, Beeville ISD ensures that taxpayer dollars are effectively allocated to support student success and community trust.

Board President Orlando Vasquez also shared, “Our goal is to create a lasting impact—not only through wise financial management but also by supporting the growth and success of every student attending Beeville ISD.”

The Texas Education Agency assigns one of four financial accountability ratings to school districts across the state. The ratings, from highest to lowest, are “A” for “Superior Achievement,” “B” for “Above-Standard Achievement,” “C” for “Standard Achievement,” and “F” for “Substandard Achievement.”